You can now make your platform application public by pressing a button:

You could have a platform application where you let ClickFunnels users connect their accounts via OAuth to your platform or app so you can provide your services to them and operate on their data. For example, there is a login button in Zapier that allows you to connect your ClickFunnels account to Zapier. After authorizing Zapier, their platform application can make changes in your account, like creating contacts or knowing when a new form was submitted.

When sorting by a property that may have exact matches, like updated_at, in the past, the order might not have been deterministic. Now, we have our sequential id as a second sort property. Nothing changes if you were just sorting by id (which is still the default sort property).

We just went into private BETA to create and update orders and invoices that were paid off the ClickFunnels platform. You can learn more about external orders and invoices here.

Please let the ClickFunnels support know referencing this changelog entry if you would like to participate in the private BETA.

We have done some updates to our no-code and low-code automation tools that are also powered by the API.

Native integrations custom contact attributes 🤖

Our native integrations now allow you to map custom contact attributes to any of your other tools' contact properties.

Zapier Templates ⚡

You can now install the Zapier app from the UI to make use of our recommended Zap Templates and bring you business automation to the next level!

A new Courses::LessonCompletion endpoint has been added to allow you to mark a lesson as completed.

To mark a lesson as completed by an enrollment, create a Courses::LessonCompletion record by sending lesson_id and enrollment_id to the endpoint.

To undo this, the Courses::LessonCompletion record must be deleted.

/courses and /courses/:id endpoints now include the new image_url field, a URL to the course's main image.

Check it out here!