Our OAuth2 integration connects your customers via your platform to ClickFunnels to provide additional services and features. Everyday use cases include extended e-commerce, analytics, and affiliate capabilities.


You first need to create a platform application in ClickFunnels as described in the Getting Started guide.

You can obtain a client_id and client_secret for your OAuth client within the Platform Applications section of your CF2 developer portal (you can find the developer portal under "Team settings" in the ClickFunnels UI). You can set the Redirect URI there too:

Authorize Step

The ClickFunnels Oauth2 authorization URL is:

GET https://accounts.myclickfunnels.com/oauth/authorize?new_installation=true

The https://accounts.myclickfunnels.com/oauth/authorize URL is a link you would expose to your customers. After clicking that link, they will be redirected to a ClickFunnels login page in a browser. The full link you will let your users click will look like this:


Here's an example of what customers will see after they click the link:

At this stage, please ensure all the parameters are set up correctly in your URL.

  • The client_id must be present and match your platform application's Client ID.
  • The grant_type must equal authorization_code.
  • The redirect_uri must match the Redirect URI configured in the developer portal as shown in the Setup step above. Any slight deviation, like a trailing slash, will fail the authorization request.
  • The new_installation param must be set to true.
  • You should not need to specify any scopes.

Once your customer chooses the workspace they want to authorize, they will see an additional authorization screen:

After clicking "Authorize", the customer will trigger a redirect to the specified redirect_uri pointing to your server, like https://your-server.com/clickfunnels/oauth_callback. Essentially, the redirect will make a GET request to your server's endpoint that handles OAuth for ClickFunnels, with an authentication security code generated in the previous step. The redirect in the browser will look like this: https://your-server.com/clickfunnels/oauth_callback?code=YYPnKJEvoV60yKq7I1b0gApWOnlYczPLmBpu_8oQlwY.

At this point, the /clickfunnels/oauth_callback endpoint needs to be implemented on your server. The implementation should handle the code=YYPnKJEvoV60yKq7I1b0gApWOnlYczPLmBpu_8oQlwY received with the redirect. The handling of the code is the last step in the OAuth protocol and is described below in the Token Step.

Token Step

After obtaining the authorization code, you will need to perform a last POST request to the /oauth/token endpoint to receive the actual access_token:

curl -v -X POST "https://accounts.myclickfunnels.com/oauth/token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "code": "YYPnKJEvoV60yKq7I1b0gApWOnlYczPLmBpu_8oQlwY", # The code obtained from the previous authorize step.
  "client_id": "7qRRTSF020jfLFKSJjksdfKJSDF", # The Client ID from your developer portal page in ClickFunnels.
  "client_secret": "M5QP32092SDLKFJkdsf0239jdDF", # The Client Secret from your developer portal page in ClickFunnels.
  "grant_type": "authorization_code", # Required parameter.
  "redirect_uri": "https://your-server.com/clickfunnels/oauth_callback" # Required parameter.

After a successful authentication, the response data will contain the data of the workspace that authorized your application to act on their behalf:

 "access_token": "XXXXXYYYYYYYZZZZZZZ",  
 "token_type": "Bearer",  
 "expires_in": 7200,  
 "scope": "admin read",  
 "created_at": 1707498467,  
 "team_id": 1234,  
 "team_name": "Rich Steinmetz's Team",  
 "workspace_id": 4567,  
 "workspace_name": "Clickfunneller",  
 "workspace_url": "https://clickfunneller.myclickfunnels.com"  

You should record these details and use them to make subsequent API requests.

  • You will use the access_token as the Bearer Token in subsequent API requests to act on behalf of your customer as described in the Getting Started guide.
  • You should prefix all your workspace-specific API requests with the value of workspace_url.
  • You can use the workspace_id and team_id for all endpoints that require those.

A few key points to keep in mind:

  • The default scope gives you full access to the platform application's team data.
  • Tokens do not expire, so there is no refresh token system in place.

You can now let your customers use the integration by redirecting them to a page on your site that shows the newly established connection.