Authenticating ClickFunnels contacts from your platform via a JWT token.
When customers register in your own application and you create them in ClickFunnels it can be useful to authenticate them seamlessly in the ClickFunnels customer center, e.g., so they can make use of the ClickFunnels functionality, without needing to login with a password or magic link.
To achieve this, you will need to generate a URL for your users that contains a JWT token and the information needed for authentication.
Go to your ClickFunnels account and copy your JWT secret key:
And create a contact in your workspace that you will authenticate:
Now, with the programming language of your choice, create a JWT token:
require "jwt"
# Prepare token creation.
customer_email = ""
workspace_domain = "" # ⚠️ If you have a custom domain connected, you need to pass it here including the www.
payload = {
sub: "#{customer_email}:#{workspace_domain}",
exp: + 3600,
redirect_to: "https://#{workspace_domain}/customers/profiles/qKOLEpy/orders" # The customer will be redirected here after successful login.
jwt_secret_key = "2G1CktMD3..." # The JWT secret key you copied earlier in your ClickFunnels account.
algorithm = "HS256"
# Create the token.
jwt_token = JWT.encode(payload, jwt_secret_key, algorithm)
puts jwt_token
A few notes:
- All payload parameters are required, except for
. - You can pass any URL to
, e.g., your course's URL so the customer won't need to click any further. - The
subject must be of the
. - You should also set a reasonable
expiration time for the token. -
As a result of running the script above, you should end up with a JWT token like this:
Now with that token you can build the URL for authenticating the contact via SSO. The URL starts with the workspace base URL and /sso
path segment (e.g.,
. It has three required query parameters:
- The email address of the contact to be authenticated.strategy
- Should have the valueemail
- Is the JWT token you've generated earlier.
# Build the URL.
customer_login_url = "https://#{workspace_domain}/sso?identifier=#{customer_email}&strategy=email&token=#{jwt_token}"
puts customer_login_url
Here is the output you would get for that URL:
Now, this is URL you can place on your platform, in emails and wherever else you would like your customers to login from to your customer center. Here is the full script one more time:
require "jwt"
# Prepare token creation.
customer_email = ""
workspace_domain = "" # ⚠️ If you have a custom domain connected, you need to pass it here including the www.
payload = {
sub: "#{customer_email}:#{workspace_domain}",
exp: + 3600,
redirect_to: "https://#{workspace_domain}/customers/profiles/qKOLEpy/orders" # The customer will be redirected here after successful login.
jwt_secret_key = "2G1CktMD3..." # The JWT secret key you copied earlier in your ClickFunnels account.
algorithm = "HS256"
# Create the token.
jwt_token = JWT.encode(payload, jwt_secret_key, algorithm)
puts jwt_token
# Build the URL.
customer_login_url = "https://#{workspace_domain}/sso?identifier=#{customer_email}&strategy=email&token=#{jwt_token}"
puts customer_login_url
Now, each time you want your user to login to the ClickFunnels customer center without a password or magic link, you will need to generate this link and let your user click it. Then the user will get automatically logged into the customer center:
Updated about 1 month ago