Requests and Responses

Learn how the ClickFunnels API accepts requests and sends back responses

ClickFunnels' API expects and responds with JSON. For the optimal experience, please provide the Content-Type: application/json header with your HTTP requests. All requests must be sent over HTTPS.

HTTP CodeNameDescription
2xxSuccessfulSuccessful requests
200OKSuccessful requests, usually GET, PUT, and PATCH calls.
201CreatedSuccessful request that resulted in the creation of a record (e.g., a POST call).
204No ContentSuccessful request that does not have an accompanying response body (e.g., a DELETE call).
4xxClient ErrorClient-related errors that should be usually recoverable on the requesting client side.
400Bad RequestThe request is structured incorrectly, e.g. the body or query params are invalid or incorrectly formatted.
401UnauthorizedThe request could not be authenticated because of either missing or invalid Authorization Bearer token value.
403ForbiddenThe client tries to access a resource for which it does not possess the required permissions.
404Not FoundThe resource for this request is missing.
409ConflictThe current app state is in conflict with the requested action.
422Unprocessable EntityThe request is structurally correct but cannot be processed due to incompatible business logic or restrictions on the resource.
429Too Many RequestsThe API rate limits have been reached.
5xxServer ErrorUnexpected server errors, something went wrong on our side. We will be notified and attempt to fix this as soon as possible but please don't hesitate to contact us if you see this happening. You can get in touch with us either via the discussion forum, or, if more urgent, through the ClickFunnels support.